Monday, August 31, 2009

Current Reading Selection

So I have started to notice that it has been a couple of weeks and I have had nothing exciting to post about, so I have decided to post random things about me and my little life.  We will start things off by exploring my library and random obsession with books:

I am currently reading a series of books called 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians'.  They are technically in the 'young reader' category, but are still very good.  I have always been interested in Greek Mythology, and the series is centered around Greek Mythology characters and storys.  They are not the same caliber as Harry Potter (which I believe will be hard to ever beat!) but good for lighter reading.

My book reading topics are constantly
 changing.  The last couple of months I have been reading fiction:
-The Twilight Series (Don't get me started, I was obsessed for a good month)
-Reread the Harry Potter Series (In preparation for the new movie release)
-Currently, Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Previously, I was on an American History Kick:
-John Adams by David McCullough (very good, highly recommend)
-His Excellency, George Washington
-Benjamin Franklin (I'm actually only about 1/2 way through it)

I'm considering rereading The Time Traveler's Wife, but several friends have asked to borrow it, so it might have to wait.  I am looking forward to the movie!

Oh, and this post would not be complete without telling my all time favorite book, 'The Name of the Rose'!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Last Wednesday Justin and I left to go to North Carolina to stay with his cousin Ryan.  We picked my brother up in Auburn and stopped and stayed with my friend Alissa in Greenville, SC.  We made it to Raleigh, NC the next afternoon.  That night we went to a Durham Bulls baseball game.  On Friday, we drove to Wilmington and rode the boat, fished, and hung out until Sunday night.  We had a great time!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sacred Harp Singing

Justin and I went to a Sacred Harp Singing at the church he grew up in, Red Oak Baptist, this past Sunday. For those of you who are not familiar (neither was I), it is a type of singing that is acapella and is referred to as shape note singing. "Shape note" music means that the notes are printed in special shapes that help the reader identify them on the musical scale. Each of the four shapes is connected to a particular syllable: fa, sol, la, and mi. Its hard to explain without hearing it for yourself, so I have included a video! It is a dying art that is a old Southern tradition, started in the 1800s.